Compilation and Review
Compilations are the most basic and affordable financial statements a CPA can issue on behalf of his clients. Usually compilations omit financial statement footnotes and are most suitable for business owners and third parties familiar with the Company's affairs. Our compilations generally include prior year comparisons of both balance sheets and income statements and are formatted uniquely to the clients type of business. We also include a statement of cash flows because it reconciles income to cash flow. Cash flow statements are difficult to design and prepare accurately but we believe are the most important of the three statements because they provide the link between the income statement and the balance sheet.
Reviews are a higher level of service, most suitable for users unfamiliar with the client's affairs. They contain disclosures in footnote form and require us to perform inquiries and analyses of the client's accounts to assure they are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Clients represent in writing that we have been informed of all relevant data which would impact the financial statements.
If you need an audit, we have an extensive referral network of CPA colleagues to assist our clients in this circumstance.